Eulenhaupt Translation Services • Sitemap


– services –

Legal and financial
translation specialists
  • Translation? Legal translation? This is understood. But what is proofreading and editing?
  • Translation, proofreading, editing. So far, so good. But who or what is a lawyer-linguist?
  • Now, what does Eulenhaupt Translation Services stands for?
  • And, what makes the difference?
  • Languages
  • Qualification
  • Clients
  • Reference
  • Certified translations

– agency –

Translations by lawyer- linguists for lawyers and businesses
  • The way we work
  • Center of interest
  • Assessment
  • History
  • Media/computer hardware
  • Computer software and Computer-Assisted Translation
  • Machine translation and legal translation: Post-Editing Machine Translation
  • Confidentiality
  • E-mail and file encryption
  • Network character
  • Direct contact

– conditions –

General conditions of service
  • Scheme of remuneration
  • Standard terms of service

– contact –

– links –

Links for legal and financial translators
  • Tools for translators
  • Sources for translators; common monolingual
  • Sources for translators; language history and etymology
  • Sources for translators; specialized monolingual
  • Sources for translators; common multilingual
  • Various tools and sources for translation providers

– wordPress –

Legal translation and the lawyer-linguist as a revision expert

Legal translation and the lawyer-linguist as a post- editor

Artificial intelligence, law, legal language and translation